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Sod Installation: 2000 sq. ft.

The customer had a sewer pipe repair that caused a great deal of damage to his backyard. Nickens Lawn and Landscape fixed the damage to the yard. They used a grader to level the back yard and then laid sod. The homeowner and his daughter volunteered to help by...

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2017

The 15th of every month is Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day and this month is no different! Gorgeous blooms are plentiful and they are receiving plenty of moisture in this central Indiana garden. The Platycodon grandifloras are popping up and open but are hidden somewhat by...

Create a safe and enjoyable backyard play area – Valley News

The online version of a California newspaper has an article about home playground safety. The article recommends building a playground for parents of young children, but has safety tips. The playground surface should be soft in order to lessen the impact of falls. The...