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Nothing says you’re a proud homeowner like keeping the exterior of your home in pristine condition. But a sparkling home exterior isn’t all about aesthetics. By regularly cleaning your house, you’ll safeguard it against the elements and prevent destructive mold and mildew from forming on the siding.

A power washer is your best friend in this endeavor. However, you shouldn’t just whip out this powerful machine at random. Otherwise, you risk damaging delicate exterior surfaces. Keep reading to learn the optimal time for power washing your house.

When to Power Wash Your House
In most cases, power washing your house a few times a year is all it takes to keep it spotless and damage-free. Do it as the seasons change, and you’ll never forget this critical maintenance task.

Of course, there are specific circumstances that might require a more frequent cleaning schedule. If any of the following applies to your home, you’ll probably need to clean its exterior more than a few times annually:

  • • Your house is located on a dirt road or in an arid climate.
  • • Your area has been hit by a severe storm.
  • • You live near numerous sap-producing trees.
  • • The heat and humidity in your region are higher than usual.

The Best Season for Power Washing Your House
Suppose your home isn’t faced with any of the unfortunate circumstances mentioned above. In that case, you might get away with washing its exterior only once a year. Now, you might wonder what’s the best season to perform this task. The answer is during spring or early summer. Clean your house then, and you’ll prep it for all the buildups that come with warmer weather while making it super presentable after the cold winter months.

The Best Time of Day for Power Washing Your House
Do you want to get super specific about the best time for power washing your house? No problem. Do it during the day when there’s lots of sunshine. This way, you’ll be able to see and clean any nook and cranny, and the exterior will dry in no time.

Key Takeaways:

  • • It is recommended to wash your home a couple times per year.
  • • The best time is to wash your house during the changing of the seasons.
  • • If your home still looks dirty after washing, you may need new siding.

“The key to keeping mold and mildew from becoming a problem is in knowing when to power wash your house.”

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