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Summers in North Carolina can be brutally hot, especially for those who work outdoors. Whether you’re a landscaper, construction worker, or anyone else who spends long hours under the sun, taking the necessary precautions to protect yourself from the summer heat is crucial.

Preparing for the Day Ahead

1. Check the Weather- Before heading out for the day, always check the weather forecast. Knowing what to expect will help you plan your activities and take the necessary precautions to stay safe. Pay attention to heat advisories and warnings, as they indicate extreme conditions that require extra care.

2. Wear Appropriate Clothing- Choose lightweight, breathable, and light-colored clothing to help keep you cool. If your company uniform is dark-colored, consider petitioning for “summer apparel” in lighter colors. It could save you from heat exhaustion. Fabrics like cotton and moisture-wicking materials are excellent choices for hot weather. To protect your face and eyes from the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.

3. Apply Sunscreen- Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to all exposed skin, and reapply every two hours or more often if you’re sweating. Sunburns hurt, but skin cancer is worse. Take precautions and protect yourself from sun exposure.

4. Drink Plenty of Water- Staying hydrated is crucial when working in the heat. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily, and increase your intake if you’re sweating heavily.

5. Avoid Caffeinated and Sugary Drink- Caffeinated and sugary drinks can contribute to dehydration. Instead, opt for water, electrolyte-replenishing beverages, or sports drinks to maintain hydration levels and replace lost minerals.

6. Eat Hydrating Food- Incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables with high water content. Watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries are excellent choices for staying hydrated.

7. Schedule Regular Breaks- Taking regular breaks is essential to avoid overexertion and overheating. Schedule breaks in shaded or cool areas to allow your body to recover and cool down.

8. Use Cooling Towels and Fans- Cooling towels and portable fans can provide relief during breaks. Wet a cooling towel and place it around your neck or on your forehead to lower your body temperature. Portable fans can also help create a breeze and keep you comfortable.

9. Know Your Limits- Listen to your body and recognize when you need a break. Pushing yourself too hard in extreme heat can lead to serious health issues. If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous, stop working immediately and seek shade and hydration.

10. Provide Shade and Rest Areas- Employers should provide shaded and cool rest areas for workers to take breaks. These areas should be easily accessible and equipped with water and cooling supplies.

11. Educate Workers- Educating you team and workers about the risks of heat-related illnesses and the importance of staying hydrated and taking breaks is crucial. Regular training sessions can help reinforce safety practices and ensure everyone is prepared for the summer heat.

12. Implement a Buddy System- Working in pairs or groups can enhance safety by allowing workers to monitor each other for signs of heat-related illnesses. Encourage workers to look out for one another and report any concerns immediately.

13. Heat Wave Precautions- Heat waves can pose significant risks to outdoor workers. During extreme heat events, take extra precautions, such as increasing the frequency of breaks, staying hydrated, and avoiding strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day.

14. Adjust Work Schedules- Consider adjusting work schedules to avoid peak heat hours. Starting earlier in the morning or working later in the evening can help reduce exposure to extreme temperatures.

15. Stay Informed- Stay informed about heat wave conditions and follow guidance from local authorities. Heat advisories and warnings can provide critical information to help you stay safe during extreme heat events.

16. Promote a SafetyFirst Mindset- Creating a culture of safety begins with promoting a safety-first mindset. Encourage workers to prioritize their health and well-being and to speak up if they feel unsafe or unwell.

17. Lead by Example- Supervisors and managers should follow safety protocols and demonstrate the importance of staying safe in the heat. When leadership prioritizes safety, workers are more likely to do the same.

18. Continuous Improvement- Review and update safety practices regularly to ensure they are effective and relevant. Seek feedback from workers and incorporate their input to create a safer work environment.

19. Escape the Outdoors- When possible, take a break inside an air conditioned space such as a break room or private residential space. Use the indoors for breaks to help you cool down and give your body a chance to rest.

20. Seek Medical Attention- If you experience any symptoms of heat-related illnesses, seek medical attention immediately. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious conditions that require prompt treatment.


While working outdoors in the summer can be challenging, taking precautions and staying
informed can help keep you safe from the dangers of extreme heat. By following these tips and
promoting a safety-first mindset, you can enjoy your work while also prioritizing your health and
well-being. Stay cool, hydrated, and stay safe out there! Remember: Safety first


Staying safe all year round is one of our main focus areas here at True Value Rental Greensboro. As a North Carolina business that personally deals with the heat and sun’s rays, we know that working outdoors safely in the summer heat requires careful planning, awareness, and proactive measures.

Remember, your health and safety are paramount. Follow these guidelines and stay informed about weather conditions. If you’re looking for more personalized advice or resources, consider booking a consultation with a safety expert to ensure you’re fully prepared for the summer months.

Stay safe, stay cool, and enjoy the summer responsibly!
