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The woodchipper is the cornerstone of various wood processing operations. They reduce waste and save energy by allowing you to turn large chunks into tiny pieces. The two most common types are electricity and gas-powered units. The former is more affordable but less powerful than the latter.

Regardless of your type of chipper, you need to know how to use your machine properly. The first thing to keep in mind is to put it on flat ground. Don’t forget to engage your parking brake and calibrate the direction of the chute and deflector.

You can now feed the machine with wood. When doing so, the dull end of your timber should go first, followed by the rest of the wood. Mixing dry and moist parts should also be a priority. Finally, don’t stay in front of the chipper to avoid injuries caused by flying debris.

Other Safety Considerations

  • • We’ve covered the nitty-gritty of woodchipper use, but there are many other safety considerations you should bear in mind:
  • • Don’t overwhelm the system — you shouldn’t put too many large wood trunks into your chipper. It can overwhelm the machine, making it discharge some of the timber at sky-high speeds.
  • • Clean the area — the site around the chipper resembles a sawmill, especially after hours of intense use. Why risk slipping on the sawdust when it only takes a few minutes to get rid of the debris?
  • • Wear protective equipment — standing on either side of the chipper might not be enough to avoid safety hazards. Therefore, put on your protective gear before firing up the machine. Glasses, ear plugs, and a thick helmet are your first line of defense.
  • • Don’t wear loose clothing — there’s no telling what can happen if your shirt gets caught in the chipper and pulls you toward the blades. Always tuck in your clothes and be sure your sleeves aren’t dangling to prevent accidents.

Key Takeaways

  • • Woodchippers are available in several sizes and types, so make sure to choose the one that is suitable for your needs.
  • • Electric woodchippers don’t require gas and are typically less expensive compared to gas-powered ones.
  • • There are several steps to operate a woodchipper, including using a flat surface and setting the parking brake.

“Woodchippers are large but portable machines that help reduce those large chunks of wood into wood chips, and they provide an excellent solution to many problems, especially in many homes.”

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