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Through gardening, one man finds contentment and relaxation. Motivated by a desire to sculpt and shape the view from his back porch, he has spent years carefully considering and tending to his back yard. Hand planted dogwood trees have given him great satisfaction to see grow. The change from the initial state, which had been left fairly barren by his earlier family members who owned the property is remarkable. There is a lot of history in his property that he thinks about.

Key Takeaways:

  • A backyard with trees, gardens and foliage explained by the one planted it throughout the years
  • A recap of how the garden was put nurtured together by his wife and played among by his daughter
  • As the writer views how his early plantings, some 40 years ago, have matured, he shares how, with the passing of time, he has matured, finding meaning and inner peace from his back porch view.

“It is history. It is friends. It is family – the three ingredients of life that have always meant the most to me, and surely must be the same with you.”

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