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Most of us have enjoyed citrus fruit. Many of us associate such fruit with Florida and regions of similar climate. Moreover, those of us that hail from northern climates, like the northern U.S. and Canada, would not consider trying to put in an orange grove, or grow a lemon tree. But, perhaps we should, at least as far as the lemon goes. Growing what is essentially a subtropical fruit tree in a cool climate is not impossible, merely extremely challenging. Such trees are prone to frost. However you can pick one of the more forgiving variants. Pot your fruit tree indoors. You can grow a lemon from seed, putting the seeds into the dirt, down a couple of centimeters. However, if you want to get the fruit soon, buy a plant. You can fertilize your plant with a general all-purpose feed. Though overwintering your plant inside is ideal, you can take it outside for some summer warmth. Although lemons can actually withstand temperatures slightly below freezing, it’s best to have them overwinter in a greenhouse. Even the garage can be okay.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although most of us associate citrus with Florida and lemons are a subtropical fruit tree, it is possible to grow one in a cooler climate.
  • To protect your lemon tree from the harsher realities of cooler living, you can grow it inside in a container.
  • Even if you keep your lemon inside during the winter, take it out to the patio for some direct sunlight in summer.

“If you’re a fellow cool-climate gardener and you want to level up your mad gardening skills, growing lemon trees is a fantastic way to reach for the stars, or lemons as the case may be.”

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